The Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty (hereafter referred to as the Dean) is appointed by the President. The President will direct the search process for the selection of the Dean and will serve as chair of any search committee created as part of the search process. Consultation with the ranked faculty will be part of the search process. If the Faculty Council votes concurrence with the proposed appointment, the President finalizes the appointment and reports it to the Board of Trustees for its confirmation.
Powers of the Dean
As the chief academic officer, the Dean has primary administrative responsibility for all academic and degree programs, including faculty development and deployment. Where administration for non-degree educational programs is located elsewhere, the Dean shall be consulted about the mission and direction of the program. The Dean consults with the committees of the Faculty Council and implements those academic policies determined by the Faculty Council. The Dean is directly responsible to the President for the general oversight of Iliff’s academic administration, programs, and resources in order to accomplish the mission and educational goals of the School.The Dean is empowered to meet with all faculty committees, including the power to call a special meeting of a faculty committee in consultation with the chair to review the work of the committee, to advise the committee regarding the work and direction being taken or proposed by the committee, and to consult with the committee regarding work being undertaken. For purposes of such meetings the Dean will have access to all materials collected by the committee, unless those materials concern a President authorized review of the Dean’s performance. The Dean will honor the confidentiality of committee materials that have been received in confidence.
Powers in the Absence of the President
The Dean is the School’s Senior Vice President. If the President is absent and unable to carry out her/his duties and responsibilities, the Dean, unless otherwise directed by the Trustees, acts as the chief executive officer of the School. In such circumstances when normal operational decisions must be rendered before the anticipated return of the President, the Dean is empowered to make such decisions.
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