Proof of Medical Insurance
Basic health insurance is mandatory for all students in all programs. Insurance for medical evacuation and repatriation is required for all international students in J-1 status, in addition to health insurance. All students must provide proof of insurance coverage before they are allowed to register. Proof normally consists of a valid insurance card or receipt for payment for an insurance policy. Please contact the Admissions Office at 303-765-3117 or for more information.
Proof of Immunizations
The Iliff School of Theology adopts the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control (“CDC”), the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (“ACIP”), and the American College Health Association (“ACHA”) and follows Colorado law. Colorado State law (Board of Health rule 6 CCR 1009-2, effective 5/13/2023) requires all students attending Colorado schools be vaccinated against certain diseases, unless an exemption is filed.
Students who are physically attending college or university classes must provide proof of immunity to measles, mumps, and rubella diseases. Vaccinations and boosters continue to be strongly recommended as a safe, effective tool for minimizing the effects of COVID-19, including serious illness and death. The Colorado Certificate of Immunization form, found here, should be completed by a health care provider and submitted to
A signed waiver may not be sufficient, at Iliff’s discretion, in the event of a disaster or public health emergency or extraordinary law enforcement emergency affecting the Iliff community.
For more information please see the Student Handbook
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