These are the requirements for students who matriculated during the 2020-2021 school year. Degree requirements for previous years can be found at the bottom of the Master's Student Handbook main page. Students can track their own individual degree progress through the degree audit on my.iliff and by consulting their advisors.
The MDiv degree requires at least 120 quarter credits (or 80 quarter credits and a two-year theological degree from an accredited seminary) with a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or better, including:
- 56 credits from required courses
- 18 credits in Personal and Professional Formation (PPF)
- 46 credits from other courses
- Masters Recital
- 32 residential credit hours
All requirements for the degree must be completed within ten calendar years from the date of the first course taken in the program. All required courses must be completed with a grade of C or better. Students must meet the requirements as specified in the Catalog and the Master‘s Student Handbook (of their year of matriculation) to graduate. Students wishing to write a master’s thesis may petition to do so by filing a Petition to Change Academic Requirements with their academic advisor and the approval of their program director.
First Year Interdisciplinary Course (4 credits): This course is team-taught and will introduce students to terminology, reading of primary texts and how to write academic papers as well as expose them to the complexity and significance of theological reflection. The course must be taken within the student's first 40 credit hours.
Core Courses (52 credits)
Comparative Religious Traditions (CR): Two CR courses, for a total of 8 credits. Check with your advisor for current offerings. Some options include:
IST 2000 Religions in the World
IST 2001 Intro to Islam
IST 2086 Religion, Space, and Place
IST 2102 Intro to Hinduism
IST 2155 Black Religious Denver
IST 3001 Islam, Gender, Sexuality
IST 3010 Pilgrimage in Comparative Perspective
IST 3110 Asceticism and Monasticism
IST 3104 Judaism, Gender, and Religion
IST 3038 Buddhist Philosophy
IST 3049 Sufism
IST 3053 Religion and Film
Bible/Contextual Analysis (BI), 12 credits - two required courses and one additional Bible course:
Two required courses (8 credits):
IST 2003 Intro to Hebrew Bible
IST 2004 Intro to New Testament
One addition BI course (4 credits). Check with your advisor for current offerings. Some options include:
IST 3107 Bible in the Digital Age
IST 3106 Migration and the Bible
IST 3089 Body and Sexuality in the Hebrew Bible
IST 3082 HB Lit: Poetry of the Bible
IST 3074 NT Lit: 1 Corinthians
IST 3073 Gospel of John
IST 3056 Gospel of Mark
IST 3052 HB Lit: Deuteronomy
IST 3047 From Text to Sermon
IST 3005 NT Lit: Romans
IST 3004 HB Lit: Genesis
Social /Ethical Analysis (SE), 8 credits - one required course and one additional SE course
One required course (4 credits):
IST 2005 Ethical Analysis & Advocacy
One additional SE course (4 credits). Check with your advisor for current offerings. Some options include:
IST 2006 Congregations
IST 2078 Christianity in the Global South
IST 3005 Fanon, Foucault, and Friends
IST 3057 Sects, Cults, and New Religions
IST 3058 Liberating Sex
IST 3085 Liberal and Evangelical Protestantism
IST 3064 Formative White Male Figures in Christian Ethics
IST 3091 Ethics of Toni Morrison
IST 3113 G*d and Tupac
IST 3102 Atheists, Secularists, and Nones
Historical Development & Expressions of Religious Traditions (HI), 8 credits - one required course and one additional HI course:
One required course (4 credits):
IST 2500 - Intro to the History of Christianity
One additional HI course (4 credits). Check with your advisor for current offerings. Some options include:
IST 2002 Christianity in the Middle Ages in Western Europe
IST 2008 Christianities in Antiquity
IST 2009 Christianity in the Modern World
IST 2103 Medieval Mysticism
IST 3023 Muslims, Jews, and Christians in Medieval Spain
IST 3037 The Pursuit of Happiness: A History
Constructive/Systematic Theology (CT), 8 credits - one required course and one additional CT course
One required course (4 credits):
IST 2510 - Intro to Theology
One additional CT course (4 credits). Check with your advisor for current offerings. Some options include:
IST 2088 Christology
IST 2097 Reformers and Radicals
IST 3043 Being Human in the Modern World
IST 3060 Theology and the Rise of the Historical Consciousness
Theology & Religious Practices (PR), 8 credits - one required course and one additional PR course
One required course (4 credits):
IST 2080 Practical Theology
One additional PR course (4 credits). Check with your advisor for current offerings. Some options include:
IST 2005 Pastoral Theology and Care
IST 2013 Preaching in Christian Communities
IST 2023 African American Preaching
IST 2016 Intro to Christian Worship
IST 2172 Congregational Education & Spiritual Formation
IST 2017 Teaching and Learning in Community of Faith
IST 2101 Leadership & Organizational Development
IST 2076 Parish Leadership & Congregational Development
Masters Recital: To be completed during the Spring term of the final year
Personal and Professional Formation (18 credits):
IST 1100, 1101, 1102 - Identity, Power and Vocation in Community (6 credits)
IST 4000, 4001, 4002 - Internship Seminar (12 credits, September-May)
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