Academic Policies
- DMin General and Academic Policies
- DMin General Program Information
- DMin Degree Learning Outcomes
- DMin Admission Requirements & Procedures
- DMin Orientation
- DMin Program Administration and Assessment
This handbook provides policies, procedures, and other useful information to students. Academic Requirements: Except by special action of the faculty, students are bound by the academic degree requirements listed in the year of matriculation for their degree program. Each student is solely responsible for being familiar with and abiding by the academic provisions of the Handbook in effect at the time of their matriculation. This also includes any updates issued after matriculation. This Handbook is an official document, supplementing and superseding the Catalog and other previously published Handbook statements of regulations and requirements. The Handbook is revised as needed to incorporate current information and the most recent decisions of the faculty, staff, board and administration. The information in the Handbook is not to be regarded as creating a binding contract between the student and the School.