Please alway ensure that you save all your files within Google Drive, as Iliff is not liable for any loss of data outside of Google Drive.
Saving to Google Drive
Please ensure that you have Google Drive for Desktop installed on your computer.
Once you have saved a file within Google Drive, every edit and save afterwards to that same file will be backed up to Google Cloud.
To ensure that your files are saving into Google Drive, either by manually dragging those files into the drive or when creating a new file save it directly on to the drive.
To save a new file to Google Drive:
- When saving a new file, choose File > Save As...
- For Mac: within the Where: field, click the drop-down and select Google Drive.
- For Windows: click on Browse and select Google Drive on the left hand side of the Save As window.
If you do not see Google Drive listed as a save location option, please follow the steps to open the Google Drive application.
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