Registration on my.iliff
You must contact the advising center to get registration clearance before you will be able to register online.
- Navigate to my.iliff and login by clicking on the purple Login button located on the top right.
- You'll be prompted to sign in using your Iliff Google account (will automatically sign in if you are already logged into your Iliff Gmail account).
- Under the Academics tab (please read any Alerts), click on Add/Drop Courses link.
- Next to Term:, click on the drop down list to select the current registration term.
- You'll then be prompted to complete the Financial Responsibility Agreement, which must be completed for each quarter. After submitting the FRA, you'll then have the option for Course Search.
- In the course search filter, set your Division accordingly (Master's Degree or DMin). To search by Title:, you'll want to click on the Begins With drop down list and select Contains, then enter a keyword from the course title (this will help broaden the search filter).
- On the course list, click the course code link to get more information about the course. To add one or more courses, check the box in the add column next to each course you want to add and then click the Add Courses button. Be sure to Add Courses on a page before going to another page or you will lose your selections.
- After clicking the Add Courses button, you will arrive back at the main online registration screen. If the courses were added successfully, you will receive a message confirming the added courses and they will appear in Your Schedule at the bottom of the page. If a course was not added successfully, you will receive an alert describing why the course was not added.
- To drop a course, check the box in the Drop column and click the Drop Selected Courses button.
If you have any technical issues with registration, please feel free to contact If you have questions regarding registration policy (e.g. prerequisites), contact the registrar's office.
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