Pay your account balance for tuition and fees, etc.
1. Login to Canvas and browse to the Iliff Students course.
2. Click on Pay Your Bill on the main page of the Students course.
3. If you are logged into just your email account in the same browser, you will be taken directly to the Financial Aid home page. Otherwise, you will be prompted to login to your email or asked to choose your account from a list of google accounts and then you will be taken to the Financial Aid home page.
4. On the Payment page, click on My Account Balances
5. If you want to see the details of your balance, click your balance amount or click Course and Fee Statement and follow the prompts to generate a statement, otherwise, click the Make a Payment link.
6. Enter the amount you wish to pay, which will usually be the same as your account balance (Due to some banks anti-fraud securities, you may not be able to submit a large payment in full. If this happens, you will need to make smaller payments spread out over a few days)
7. Click Submit and then Continue to get to payment details.
8. Enter all required fields (marked by an asterisk) in the Checking Account Information and Billing Address form. Be sure the email address entered is functional because your receipt will be sent to this address.
11. Click Continue
12. Check the data you entered on the verification screen and click Continue to submit your payment if everything is correct.
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