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Executive Committee
- Co-Chairs: Georgia Metz and Mina Nau
- Secretary: Marcia Meier
- Treasurer: Alanna Hunter-Crump
Degree Program Representatives
- MAPSC: Robin Stretch-Crocker
- MDIV: Jen Ward
- MDIV Journey: Jordan Derhammer and Stephanie Hanslow
- MTS: Mary Raynard
Standing Committees
- Fellowship Committee Chair: Amanda Heeren
- Iliff Voices In Action Committee Chair:
- Spirituality & the Arts Committee Chair:
- First-Year Representative: OPEN
- Faculty/Staff Liaison Senate Advisor: Vince Tango
Independent Student Organization (ISO) Representatives:
- Latino/Hispanic Scholars: OPEN
- Iliff Queer Coalition: Mallory Everhart
- National Alliance of Pan African Seminarians (NAPAS): Candise Woods, Eldon Creer
- Seminarians for Reproductive Justice:
- Students for a Just Peace in the Middle East: Deb Metcalf
Denominational Groups
- United Methodist Society (UMS): OPEN
- Unitarian Universalist Association (UU): Christine Dance
- Lutheran Student Group: Deb Metcalf
- Presbyterian Fellowship: Joshua Brown
- United Church of Christ Fellowship (UCC): Cheryl Swing
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