An introduction to the main technologies at Iliff: my.iliff, Canvas, and library databases
Technology is a major part of our course delivery at Iliff, whether you teach residentially or online. Here are some basic introductions to the main technologies we use and how they might support your pedagogy. Please search Iliff's Zendesk Help Center here for tutorials and guides and feel free to contact us at with any questions you might have about how Iliff technologies might support your course delivery. Our team has substantial course design experience and we are more than happy to help you begin building your course space in Canvas.
my.iliff (
my.iliff is Iliff's online administrative portal. A majority of the administrative tasks you will need to complete can be done on my.iliff. Some of the tasks you will complete on my.iliff include (follow the links for step-by-step tutorials):
Canvas (
Canvas is our Learning Management System (LMS) and is used heavily for both residential and online courses. Other than submitting final grades, which happens on my.iliff, all of your course delivery related tasks will be accomplished in Canvas. Communication with your classes and with individual students will also largely happen in Canvas.
- make syllabus and other course materials available online
- communicate with students
- receive and assess student coursework
- online discussions
See Online Delivery Resources for more specific suggestions and instructions for ways Canvas might support your course delivery residentially or online.
Library Electronic Collections (Journals, etc.)
To access the library's electronic collections from off campus, visit the Databases page of the library website. Once you choose a resource, you will be asked to authenticate. Use the same username and password you use to access my.iliff and Canvas.
For more information regarding Iliff's library services, please visit
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