Hypothes.is is a web annotation tool that is used at times in courses to facilitate group close reading and annotation of PDFs and websites. These instructions will help you get started with your hypothes.is account and use it in canvas.
1. Go to https://hypothes.is/signup to register an account with hypothes.is.
2. Once you are registered with hypothes.is, you can use all of its functionality on your own to annotate the web. The hypothes.is chrome browser extension can be particularly useful for this.
3. If you are using Hypothes.is in a Canvas course, you will click on the Canvas assignment that your instructor has setup and then you may have a button to click to load the assignment in another window.
4. If it is the first time you have used Hypothes.is in Canvas, hypothes.is will ask you to authorize their app for your account in Canvas. Click Allow.
5. Once the Hypothes.is assignment has loaded in Canvas, you will see some instructions at the top of the assignment that remind you how to use hypothes.is and you will find the hypothes.is sidebar in the top right corner of the assignment window.

6. Click on the small arrow button in the hypothes.is sidebar to expand it and then click Log in to sign into hypothes.is with the account you created above in step 1.

7. If your course is using hypothes.is groups to annotate privately, your instructor will provide a link that will allow you to join the hypothes.is group.
8. To annotate in your group, once you have followed the link to join the group and signed into hypothes.is, click the context dropdown at top of hypothes.is sidebar and choose your group from the list instead of Public.

9. Then use the hypothes.is tools to highlight and annotate.

10. You can annotate all in one sitting or you can annotate over a number of days. Just make sure to follow your instructor's instructions regarding deadlines. There is no longer a submit step in the hypothes.is plugin.
11. As always, if you have any questions, please contact support@iliff.edu.
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