How to Manually Run Windows Updates
1. Before beginning make sure that you are logged into your computer, and all other programs are closed. Click on the Start button at the bottom left of your screen, then click All Programs. Now click on Windows Update (you may have to scroll down to see it). You may also click on the Windows Update icon on your taskbar, if one appears.

2. When the Windows Update window opens, it may already show that some updates are available. Near the bottom of the window, there will be an option to "Check online for updates from Microsoft Update" OR "Check for updates managed by your system administrator." Whichever appears, click there to check for updates. Wait while Windows searches for updates. If no updates appear, the other option (check online/check for updates from system admin) will appear. You will need to check both places to ensure that all updates are installed.

3. After it finds the updates, click on the dialogue that tells you how many important updates are available (in blue text).

4. Click on the check box at the very top to select all important updates. Click Ok.

5. Now click Install updates. This may take several minutes.

6. Occasionally, some updates ask you to agree to its Terms & Conditions (such as the Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool from Microsoft). Simply select its I ACCEPT THE LICENSE TERMS option and then click on its FINISH button to continue.

7. When the updates are done, the dialogue box may tell you to restart your computer. If that is the case, simply click Restart Now. Windows will complete the updates while shutting down and restarting, so this may take a few minutes. When your computer has rebooted, repeat steps 1 through 5, being sure to check for updates online as well as updates managed by the system administrator (see step 2). Repeat this process until no more important updates appear when you search.

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