Writing Center Appointments & Policies
General Writing Resources
Writing Mechanics
- Avoiding Sentence Fragments (A common mistake!)
- When should you (and when should you NOT) use a comma?
- Comma Splices and Fused Sentences: Fact Sheet
- Using Semicolons
- "That" Versus "Which"
- Punctuation: Fact Sheet
How to Cite Your Sources
- How to Use Quotations
- Online Links for Citing Sources Using Different Formats (Chicago, APA, SBL, etc.)
- How Do I Cite Sources for my Academic Paper?
- How do I cite the Bible in an academic paper?
- How do I cite the Qur'an in an academic paper?
- What are some best practices for citing sources?
Plagiarism and Academic Integrity
Clarity and Coherence
- All About Thesis Statements
- What is a "transition"? How do I use them to improve my writing?
- Five Ways That Consistency Matters
- How to Use an "Academic Voice"
- Signposting (or "How to let your reader know where you're going")
- How may I write to sound academic? (video)