The purpose of this Faculty Handbook is to enable the implementation of the mission of the Iliff School of Theology.
One guiding principle for the structures established in this Handbook is the principle of “shared governance.” Beyond the legal relationships of responsibility and accountability established herein, the principle of shared governance indicates that relationships between Board, administration, faculty, and staff are rooted in the common interest of faithful shared leadership of the School in the fulfilling of its mission. Effective governance of an educational institution requires cooperation, communication, shared mission and trust. The attempt to clearly delineate who holds primary responsibility for various tasks of institutional life, to establish orderly procedures for dealing with moments of institutional conflict, and to provide guidelines for the normal work of faculty development and promotion will enable the implementation of this mission statement in the common life of the Faculty.
Notwithstanding the fact that one or more provisions of this handbook may address in whole or part the process followed or to be followed in hiring faculty or in evaluating persons not employed by Iliff but being considered for employment by Iliff, nothing in this Handbook is intended to confer benefits upon any third party including, but not limited to applicants for faculty positions at the Iliff School of Theology, or persons being considered or evaluated for offers of employment at the Iliff School of Theology.
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