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Install Printer Driver on Mac
Kyocera Print Driver:
- Navigate to the Kyocera Taskalfa 3554ci driver website.
- Search for Taskalfa 3554ci.
- Click on the Blue download icon at the right of Mac Print Driver.
- Click on Accept and Continue when prompted for terms and conditions.
- If prompted to allow downloads, click Allow.
- Once file is downloaded, go to Finder and choose Downloads folder
- Double click on .DMG installer file
- Double click on .pkg installer file to run installer
- Follow instructions in the installer (e.g. click continue through the steps)
- Enter computer password when prompted to allow software install
- Close Installer
- Click OK when prompted to allow access to downloads folder
- Click Move to Trash.
- Return to Secure Print
Canon Print Driver:
- Navigate to the Canon 265 driver website
- Click the arrow next to Software & Drivers to expand the options
- Select your Mac version from the drop down menu
- Next to the latest PS version of the driver (ex., click on Download.
- If prompted to allow downloads, click Allow.
- Once file is downloaded, go to Finder and choose Downloads folder
- Double click on .DMG installer file
- Double click on .pkg installer file to run installer
- Follow instructions in the installer (e.g. click continue through the steps)
- Enter computer password when prompted to allow software install
- Close Installer
- Click OK when prompted to allow access to downloads folder
- Click Move to Trash.
- Return to Canon Secure Print
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