Creating/Submitting a Requisition
- Sign into your my.iliff account using your Iliff Google account credentials
- Navigate to the Finances tab
- Click on Make new request located under Requisitions and Orders
- All the boxes with the red star next to them must be completed.
- Item: enter the description of what the invoice entails
- Quantity: can be set as "1"
- Price $: enter the total amount for the invoice
- Budget account: enter the account number to which the expense will be charged to, you can use the Search for account option to assist with the GL account lookup
- Please do not fill out the Detailed description box or click on the Add supporting documentation link, as you'll do this on the checkout page.
- Click Save, add another if you would like to add multiple line items for the same vendor (repeat the process in step 4). Otherwise, click on Done, proceed to checkout.
- On the following page you can review and edit the Requested items if needed
- Ensure that you add a file and/or add a comment prior to entering the information under Request summary, otherwise those input will reset once you have added a file. Alternatively, you can fill out the Request summary, 'Save, and submit later', and come back into the requisition to attach files and add comments.
- Under Request summary, complete the following boxes:
- Approval track: select the approval track corresponding to your department
- Vendor: click Search, then a window should appear. Type the name of the vendor, click Search and select the vendor from the list, and click OK.
- Add a comment (optional): add notes or more details about the requisition (e.g. credit for trade-ins, gift cards use as partial payment, etc.)
- Add a file: attach supporting documentation (e.g. invoices and receipts)
- To attach the invoice click on Add a file, then Choose File and navigate to your PDF invoice file.
- You can merge multiple receipts together into one PDF file using PDF Mergy
- Once you are finished, click Submit for approval to submit your requisition. (Please note down the requisition number that appears on the pop-up window)
- Send an email to the business office ( with the subject as Requisition# *****, and state that the requisition is ready when approved. This is a confirmation to let the business office know that the requisition was not submitted by mistake.
Approving a Requisition
- Navigate to my.iliff Finances and sign in using your Google account
- Under Requisition Approval, you should see all the requests that have been submitted.
- Click on the request, and the Requisition Approval page will open.
- Verify that the inputted data corresponds to the invoice and the correct G/L account has been charged.
- If the invoice is not attached please contact the requestor to attach it before approval
- If the inputted data on the requisition does not correspond to the invoice, you can deny the requisition and have them create a new one and inform them of the changes that needs to be made.
U.S. Bank Visa
In the case when the transactions are purchased with the US Bank credit card the following conditions are to be met.
- Provide adequate receipts for all expenditures-receipts requested for all transactions
- Receipt must show date, time, place, and the amount of the transaction- for meal expenditures provide the purpose and attendees of the meal.
- For travel, airfare confirmations and hotel reservation must show the period of travel or stay.
- Personal use of credit card is not allowed - however if used accidentally than the charge will be posted to your account for which payment is required within two weeks of the post date.
Due Dates
- All Requisitions for US Bank transactions will be due on the 18th of each month
- All Requisition Approvals should be completed by the 21th of each month
If the either of the following conditions are not met, then the Accounts Payable Clerk ( must be notified immediately. Otherwise, the expenditures will be expected to be at the cost of the employee, until all conditions have been met.
Fiscal Year End
Here are some tips on how to handle requisitions that deal with purchases near the transition between fiscal years.
- Iliff fiscal year and thus, budget year, is from June 1 - May 31
- Request Date at the top of the first page of a requisition determines the budget year that will be used to pay for these expenses
- Request Date defaults to today's date (date of requisition entry)
- When you change the Request Date, you should see the budget year change just below that box.
- All transactions on a requisition must be applied to the same budget year, so if you have expenses that span across previous and current fiscal years, you will need to enter a separate requisition for each of the fiscal years.
- Travel expenses should be paid from the budget year in which the travel occurs
- Non-travel expenses should be paid from the budget year in which the purchase date occurs
Back Dating a Requisition
If you are entering a requisition after May 31 that should be paid from the PREVIOUS budget year, change the request date to 05/31/YYYY (where YYYY is the 4 digit year for the expense).
- Check to make sure the budget year underneath the request date is listed correctly
- June Visa statements will often require this backdating and sometimes require 2 separate requisitions, 1 for each fiscal year.
Prepaying a Requisition from Next Budget Year
If you are entering a requisition before May 31 that should be paid from the NEXT budget year:
- Leave the request date as is (today's date)
- Use the Prepaid GL account number (01-1-1-1200-1200) for the item
- Enter the actual GL account that you wish to use in the NEXT fiscal year in the detailed comments section
For more information, please refer to my.iliff Requisition Process.
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